Core Values
High Expectations:
We maintain high expectations for academic growth and achievement, equitable opportunities, and personal and collective responsibility for our actions.
We maintain high expectations for academic growth and achievement, equitable opportunities, and personal and collective responsibility for our actions.
We prioritize the social, emotional, and physical wellness of each member of our learning community to ensure a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment.
We recognize honesty is about words and integrity is about actions. We engage in open and honest communication, take personal and collective responsibility, and demonstrate strong moral principles (guidelines that help us do the right thing).
Sense of Belonging:
We foster an inclusionary culture that provides each member of our learning community a sense of belonging grounded in social emotional safety, impactful relationships, and personalized growth.
Creativity & Innovation:
We provide a learning environment that promotes creativity (the ability to produce new and unique ideas) and encourages innovation (the execution of creativity).