Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)
A SEPAC is a Special Education Parent Advisory Council. Every public school district in Massachusetts is
required to establish a SEPAC. Massachusetts state law assigns both an advisory and participatory
function to SEPACs. Membership is open to all district parents of children with disabilities (IEPs and 504
plans) and other interested parties.
required to establish a SEPAC. Massachusetts state law assigns both an advisory and participatory
function to SEPACs. Membership is open to all district parents of children with disabilities (IEPs and 504
plans) and other interested parties.
Duties shall include, but not be limited to:
● Advising the School Committee on matters that pertain to the education and safety of
students with disabilities;
● Meeting regularly with school officials to participate in the planning, development and
evaluation of the district’s special education programs; and
● Cooperating with the District on their annual workshop on the rights of students, parents and
guardians under state and federal law.
The Rockport SEPAC is in need of a revitalization and looking for new members. The SEPAC is a
self-governing public body which creates its own by-laws and operational procedures. A SEPAC is
different from other parent groups in a school district such as a PTO or School Council – a SEPAC does
not represent families from one school, but represents all families of children with disabilities from the
entire school district.
If you are interested in holding a Board position: Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer or a Board Member
at Large position, please send me an email. Just want to be included ? Reach out to be a building
Contact Ann-Marie Luster, Interim Director of Student Services to sign up or find out more
at [email protected].
at [email protected].
Thank you for considering this opportunity,
Ann-Marie Luster Director of Student Services
Meeting Schedule
January 9, 2025
February 6, 2025
March 6, 2025
April 3, 2025
May 8, 2025
June 5, 2025
Meeting Agendas
Rockport Public Schools SEPAC
Introductory Meeting
November 21, 2024
5:30pm Via Zoom
Introductory Meeting
November 21, 2024
5:30pm Via Zoom
1. Call to order
2. Leadership Roles
3. Establish Mission
a. SEPAC connects to other families whose children receive special education
services through the Rockport Public Schools. Our mission is to work towards the
understanding of, respect for, support, and appropriate education for all children
with special needs in the RPS community.
2. Leadership Roles
3. Establish Mission
a. SEPAC connects to other families whose children receive special education
services through the Rockport Public Schools. Our mission is to work towards the
understanding of, respect for, support, and appropriate education for all children
with special needs in the RPS community.
4. Develop Goals
a. Increase inclusion / opportunities especially after school and before school
b. share personal experiences
c. build a welcoming community for our students with special needs
d. Workshop/Seminar Opportunities
e. IEP training and basic rights
f. New IEP Overview
g. Bullying
5. Next Steps
a. December 4th Workshop
a. Increase inclusion / opportunities especially after school and before school
b. share personal experiences
c. build a welcoming community for our students with special needs
d. Workshop/Seminar Opportunities
e. IEP training and basic rights
f. New IEP Overview
g. Bullying
5. Next Steps
a. December 4th Workshop
Meeting Notes
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First Signs, What to Look For
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Acronym Cheat Sheet
603 CMR 28
603 CMR 28.00: Special Education (scroll down to number 4 (on the DOE website) to view the PAC definition): 603 CMR 28.07 (4) Parent Involvement: (4) Parent advisory participation. Each school district shall create a district wide parent advisory council offering membership to all parents of eligible students and other interested parties. The parent advisory council duties shall include but not be limited to: advising the district on matters that pertain to the education and safety of students with disabilities; meeting regularly with school officials to participate in the planning, development, and evaluation of the school district's special education programs. The parent advisory council shall establish by-laws regarding officers and operational procedures, and, in the course of its duties, the parent advisory council shall receive assistance from the district without charge, upon reasonable notice, and subject to the availability of staff and resources. The district shall conduct, in cooperation with the parent advisory council, at least one workshop annually within the school district on the rights of students and their parents and guardians under state and federal special education laws. (See MGL c71B, 1C and 3)